Penerapan Kompres Daun Kubis Terhadap Penurunan Pembengkakan Payudara Pada Askep Ibu Post Partum Di Puskesmas Kayamanya
The Application Of Cabbage Leaf Compresses To Reduce Breast Engagement In Post Partum Askep Mothersat Kayamanya Health Center
Postpartum Mother; , Breast Swelling; , Cabbage Leaf;Abstract
Introduction: Breast swelling is one of the problems that arise in postpartum mothers due to the presence of breast milk dams. The problem of breast swelling can be given a cabbage leaf compress therapy intervention. The purpose of this study is to apply nursing care to post partum mothers with the problem of breast milk dams at the kayamanya health center. Method : The research method is to use a descriptive method with a case study approach, the subject is a postpartum mother with breast swelling. Result : The results of the study Mrs. A said she did not know how to reduce breast swelling, Mrs. A complained of discomfort when moving, Mrs. A said it was difficult when urinating, Mrs. A said the abdomen was uncomfortable due to uterine contractions, Mrs. A said she was uncomfortable with breast changes, Mrs. A said breast milk had not come out, Mrs. A said the breasts felt warm and hard, often painful, the nipples did not come out. Nursing problems of postpartum discomfort, ineffective breastfeeding and knowledge deficits, Interventions carried out comfort care, perineal care education, breastfeeding education, giving the baby the opportunity to suck, and baby care. implementation was carried out for 5 days. Evaluation after the implementation of the application of cabbage leaf compresses, the patient said that complaints of comfort increased, breast milk was released, breast swelling decreased. Conculsion : It is hoped that this intervention can be taught to post partum mothers with breast swelling as a cheap, easily available and effective treatment.
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