Pelatihan Konselor Remistar (Remaja Milenial Tanpa Asap Rokok) Sebuah Inovasi Pencegahan Merokok pada Remaja di Kota Singkawang



counselor training, remistar, millennial youth, smoking prevention


Teen smokers in Indonesia have increased every year. This condition can occur because teenagers are more likely to show themselves as adults by starting to smoke. REMISTAR Counselor Training is an effective intervention about smoking in adolescents. This community service aims to make adolescents as counselors who are able to carry out promotive, preventive, and curative actions. A total of 80 samples of respondents from 2 selected high schools in Singkawang City, West Kalimantan Province will be given REMISTAR counselor training. The implementation of this community service is divided into two places, namely at MAN 1 Singkawang and SMAN 3 Singkawang which is carried out within 10 months starting from proposal preparation, licensing, intervention, data analysis to report collection. The implementation of this service is evaluated based on the level of knowledge, attitudes related to smoking, and skills. The results of the REMISTAR Training activity were an increase in respondents' knowledge in the form of an increase in knowledge about smoking as many as 70 people (87.5 %), knowledge about Counselors 57 people (71.5%) and an increase in attitudes of 78 people (96.6%) in good category. In conclusion, training of remistar counselors (millennial youth without smoking) is effective in increasing the knowledge and attitudes of millennial youth. It is hoped that after this training activity it will be the start for students to become agents of change who can actually become smoking cessation counselors for friends around them who still cannot quit smoking.


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How to Cite

Sulistyawati, D. ., Akhmad, A. N. ., & Yuniar, L. . (2023). Pelatihan Konselor Remistar (Remaja Milenial Tanpa Asap Rokok) Sebuah Inovasi Pencegahan Merokok pada Remaja di Kota Singkawang. Poltekita: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat, 4(2), 413–421.




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