Faktor Lingkungan Fisik yang Berhubungan dengan Karakteristik Onchomelania hupensis linduensis Vektor Schistosomiasis di Kecamatan Lindu




Oncomelania hupensis linduensis, schistosomiasis, physical environment


Background: Lindu Plateau is surrounded by mountains and protected forests and there is a lake that is the source of community life and habitat for Oncomelania hupensis linduensis (OHL), an intermediate host for schistosomiasis. Purpose: To determine the relationship between environmental temperature, air humidity, turbidity and water pH with density, physical/morphological characteristics and the presence of parasites in OHL snails in active focus areas in Lindu District. Method: Analytical research with an observational survey approach, in Lindu District from May to October 2019. The population was OHL snails in Lindu District, sampled by accidental sampling in 5 research locations, namely Tomado, Langko, Anca, Puroo and Oluu villages. Result: Chi-square test with α=0.05 on environmental temperature and OHL snail density p-value=0.447, ambient temperature and OHL snail external morphology p-value=0.04, temperature and presence of cercariae parasites on OHL snails p -value=0.004; humidity and density of OHL snails p-value=0.193, humidity and external morphology of OHL snails p-value=0.17, humidity and presence of cercariae parasites in OHL snails p-value=0.175; water turbidity and OHL snail density p-value=1,000, water turbidity and OHL snail external morphology of OHL snails p-value=0,070, water turbidity and presence of parasites on OHL snails p-value=0,000; pH of Water and OHL snail density p-value=0,328, pH of water and external morphology of OHL snails p-value=0,017, pH of water with the presence of parasites on OHL snail p-value=0,430. Conclusion: Environmental temperature was related to external morphological characteristics and the presence of parasites in OHL snails, water turbidity related to the presence of parasites in OHL snails, water pH related to external morphological characteristics of OHL in the active focus areas. The government is advised to disseminate information about the active focus areas of OHL snails to prevent schistosomiasis infection in the community.


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