Author Guidelines
Author Guidelines
All articles should be written in a clear and concise Bahasa or English.
Please use the following structure for your research article.
The manuscript should be typed in Microsoft Word version 2003-2007 or latest. The manuscript should be written in Cambria font, font size 11, single-spaced, and A4 format. The manuscript should not less than 10 pages and not exceed 15 pages. This is including abstract, charts, figure, or table.
The title page should:
- provide the title of the article
- written in Bahasa and English, should not exceed 20 words
- authors’ names should appear immediately below the title, followed by Authors’ affiliations and addresses.
- indicate the corresponding author
- the email address of the corresponding author should be placed as the footnote.
Authors’ names should appear immediately below the title, followed by Authors’ affiliations and addresses. The email address of the corresponding author should be placed as a footnote.
The abstract must be written in Bahasa and English. The Abstract of the manuscript should not exceed 200 words and must be structured into separate sections: Background, the context and purpose of the study; Methods, how the study was performed and statistical tests used; Results, the main findings; Conclusions, brief summary, and potential implications. Please minimize the use of abbreviations and do not cite references in the abstract. Do not include artwork, tables, elaborate equations or references to other parts of the paper or to the reference listing at the end.
Three to five keywords representing the main content of the article, for indexing and abstracting.
State the objectives of the work and provide an adequate background, state the art, avoiding a detailed literature survey or a summary of the results. The Background section should be written in a way that is accessible to researchers without specialist knowledge in that area and must clearly state the background to the research and its aims. Reports of clinical research should, where appropriate, include a summary of a search of the literature to indicate why this study was necessary and what it aimed to contribute to the field. The section should end with a brief statement of what is being reported in the article. Reference numbers should be indicated in the text by superscript, e.g. 1 or 1,2
The methods section should include the design of the study, the setting, the type of participants or materials involved, a clear description of all interventions and comparisons, and the type of analysis used, including a power calculation if appropriate. When proprietary brands are used in research, include the brand names in parentheses in the Methods section.
For studies involving human participants, a statement detailing ethical approval and consent should be included in the methods section. For further details of the journal's editorial policies and ethical guidelines see About.
Jurnal Vektor Penyakit will detail to allow the work to be reproduced. Methods already published should be indicated by a reference. Only relevant modifications should be described.
Results should be clear and concise. Results of statistical analysis should include, where appropriate, relative and absolute risks or risk reductions, and confidence intervals. Jurnal Vektor Penyakit will do the final formatting of your paper, so you do not need to position figures and tables at the top and bottom of each column. In fact, all figures, figure captions, and tables can be at the end of the paper. Large figures and tables may span both columns. Place figure captions below the figures; place table titles above the tables. In case there are any difficulties to arrange the figure(s) and Table(s) in the appropriate place, they can be placed at the end of this template.
Discussion should explore the significance of the results of the work, not repeat them. This should state clearly the findings, limitations of the research and give a clear explanation of the study, relevance, and deep. The findings and their implications should be discussed in the broadest context possible. Future research directions may also be highlighted.
This should state clearly the main conclusions of the research and give a clear explanation of their importance and relevance. It should not replicate the abstract but might elaborate the significant results, possible applications, and extensions of the work. This should not be written in pointed or numbering.
The suggestion should be associated with the conclusions and implications as well as whether the advice is addressed to the general public, program managers, and scientific.
Please acknowledge anyone who contributed towards the article by making substantial contributions to conception, design, acquisition of data, or analysis and interpretation of data, or who was involved in drafting the manuscript or revising it critically for important intellectual content, but who does not meet the criteria for authorship. Acknowledgment is also recommended to be given to persons or organizations helping the authors in many ways. Sponsor and financial support acknowledgments may be placed in this section. Use the singular heading even if you have many acknowledgments.
Jurnal Vektor Penyakit uses AMA (American Medical Association) referencing style. It is recommended to use Mendeley, EndNote, Zotero, etc reference manager application. The number of references should be at least ten, and 80% of which should be from primary source publications (journals) from the last ten years Publication. References from research article must be the minimum of 15 references and for literature review, at least 25 references.
References should be written as the following examples.
- S.D. Glazek and K.G. Wilson, Phys. Rev. D 57 (1998) 3558.
- P. Maass, W. Dieterich and F. Scheffler, AIP Conf. Proc. 832 (2006) 492.
- K. Basar, T. Sakuma and E. Kartini, Frequency and Temperature Dependent of Conductivity from Superionic Conducting Glass (AgI)x(AgPO3)1-x, Proceedings of the International Conference on Mathematics and Natural Science (2006) 881.
- W.S. Lyon, Guide to Activation Analysis, 2nd ed., Van Nostrand Co. Inc., New York (1960) 33.
- M.F. Collins and E. Kartini, Superionic Conduction in Silver Oxysalt-Silver Salt Glasses, Recent Research Development of Solid State Ionics Vol. I, S.G. Pandalay (Ed.), Transworld Research Network, India (2003) 167.