Sosialisasi dan Simulasi Tindakan Basic Life Support (BLS) pada Masyarakat di Lingkungan Pelabuhan Taipa

Socialization and Simulation of Basic Life Support (BLS) Actions for Communities in the Taipa Port


  • Supirno Supirno Poltekkes Kemenkes Palu
  • Jurana Jurana Poltekkes Kemenkes Palu
  • Amir amir Poltekkes Kemenkes Palu


Pelatihan, Basic Life support, Pelabuhan


Introduction Emergency situations can occur at any time and anywhere, and happen to anyone. Efforts to reduce the number and severity of victims require appropriate knowledge by rescuers. Increased readiness can be carried out through outreach and simulations of how to help victims through Basic Life Support (BLS)/basic life assistance. The purpose of community service is to increase community capacity in providing basic life support to victims. Methods of outreach and simulation to the general public. The target participants were Taipa port workers and the community as many as 35 people. Palu Ministry of Health Polytechnic as initiator and facilitator, as well as funding source. The activity begins with participant identification, participant approval, pre-test, then training (socialization and simulation) is held, guidance/assistance and ends with a post-test to determine changes in participants' abilities. Results: the activity was carried out on 15-16 February 2023 at Taipa Port attended by 35 participants consisting of Taipa Port officials, representatives from Sub-District and Community Officials. All participants participated from the beginning to the end of the activity, both during the delivery of material, discussions and during practice using the BHD pantom. Judging from the pre-test scores with an average score of 88.85 and an average score of 96.6, there was an increase in participants' knowledge. The conclusion is that there needs to be continuity of BHD training activities periodically and for communities with more targets.


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How to Cite

Supirno, S., Jurana, J., & amir, A. (2023). Sosialisasi dan Simulasi Tindakan Basic Life Support (BLS) pada Masyarakat di Lingkungan Pelabuhan Taipa: Socialization and Simulation of Basic Life Support (BLS) Actions for Communities in the Taipa Port . Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Lentora, 2(2), 46–53.




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